INMI and Fondazione Roma together for research on Sars-CoV-2

The Foundation’s support will allow the Institute to equip a new facility for research on Sars-CoV-2 The National Institute for Infectious Diseases (INMI) ‘Lazzaro Spallanzani’ and Fondazione Roma are pleased to announce their partnership which, through a contribution of 500.000 euro donated by Fondazione Roma,

When Art and Solidarity travel in the Lift

A miracle happened in Tor Marancia, a suburb in Municipio VIII. The most colourful neighbourhood of Rome and the only suburb on the itinerary of many tourists.

The DA VINCI Robot at the Umberto I general hospital in Rome

The Da Vinci Robot, purchased with the contribution of Roma, was presented during the opening ceremony of the new Centre for Robotic Surgery in the Ulrico Bracci ward

After the Pope, President Mattarella at Villaggio Emmanuele F.M. Emanuele

On Friday the 17th of May at 10:30 sharp, the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella passed through the entrance gate of Villaggio Emmanuele F.M. Emanuele, in the Bufalotta neighborhood in Rome, to visit the facility for people affected by Alzheimer’s disease requested and promoted by Professor Emmanuele F. M. Emanuele, Honorary President of Fondazione Roma who greeted him together with the Chairman of this Foundation Franco Parasassi.

The Pope embraced people with Alzheimer’s disease

Pope Francis paid a surprise visit to the centre for people with Alzheimer’s disease, ‘Villaggio Emmanuele F.M. Emanuele’, on the outskirts of Rome. Hugs and caresses during the visit and a precious gift: a Parchment Nativity.  This is not the first time that Bergoglio leaves the Vatican to visit the communities of the vulnerable faithful. The Visit, The Pope and Emmanule F. M Emanuele, Honorary President of Fondazione Roma at Villaggio Emanuele in the Bufalotta neighborhood  

The Alzheimer’s village Video and photographs of the Village

Cases of Excellence

In this area some of the Foundation’s main projects are illustrated and examined. Due to the strictness of the methods of implementation, originality and innovative nature, these projects may indeed be considered the ‘cases of excellence’ accomplished by the Foundation during the general development of its activities. READ MORE >>